The Roses For Life Fundraiser

Who We Help

Our clients are young women between the ages of 13 and 35. Many are single mothers and often have almost no resources. Housing is frequently a big problem. Many women are forced from their homes by parents or boyfriends because they will not abort their child.

How We Help

We provide women a real choice by removing the barriers that often block them from keeping their babies, such as finding housing and paying medical bills. We offer counseling, a 24-hour hotline and free ultrasounds. We take care of real-world situations for mother and child.

Why we need your help

Our annual budget is about $150,000 raised by this very fundraiser, along with four mailings per year. A volunteer board of directors manages our operations. We need diapers, baby clothes, maternity outfits and baby furniture.

Who We Are

Problem Pregnancy of Worcester is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Massachusetts corporation founded in 1982. We are a non-sectarian, tax exempt and all volunteer organization.

How To Help

To make a donation:

Click To Donate Online

To learn more about how your Respect Life ministry, KofC council, or youth group can run a rose drive fundraiser: